Jul 4, 2009

Logic vs. Emotion or Spock vs. Kirk

Ever know someone who was being cheated on, but wouldn't admit it? What is it that makes them overlook the evidence right in front of their face? Emotional attachment. Maybe they think they're in love with the cheater or maybe they're afraid of them or afraid of being alone, whatever the reason, intense emotions are clouding their judgment. This is a problem for many of the religious, as well. Believe it or not, some people still think the global flood story is real. What other explanation for their blatant disregard of scientific facts? Emotions are very important and useful in many areas but not all. Consider Gov. Sanford and how "love" caused him to behave. There are times when you must give logic the louder voice. Intense emotions may help a terminal patient find needed strength but they are no help to the doctor trying to diagnose the problem. Learn to use your emotions and stop letting them use you.


Anonymous said...

yes and no. Logic can use us as well and people sometimes forget about what's really important, each other.

Marcus said...

In regard to religions, people are letting emotion cloud their thinking.

Anonymous said...

If you are refering to organized religion, I'm actually going to somewhat agree with you. I'm not real big on listening to preachers. Personally, I prefer my bread unleavened.

Found this on Wikipedia - The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. "Religion" is sometimes used interchangeably with "faith" or "belief system," but it is more socially defined than personal convictions, and it entails specific behaviors, respectively.

Marcus said...

I'm referring to all of it. Religion/faith/spirituality- whatever you want to call it, comes down to a "feeling" not any kind of logic. Once you start plucking folks heartstrings you can get them to dance however you want. That's not to say I don't think there are times when appealing to emotions is beneficial, I just don't need the dogma and death worship your god requires.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya about the dancing but I think we're not as easily manipulated with feelings as without. I think that without feelings we're just a bunch of meat robots that can be programmed to accept almost anything through justification. Just look at 5ci3nt070gy. They really push the purge your emotions and become a left-brain prisoner crap. At least we agree that emotions CAN be beneficial.

What do you think about buddhism?

Great link:

Marcus said...

It's not for me. Just like any religion, you can pull useful bits out but, the majority of it is crap. I like the idea of meditation- I do it and think it's helpful. I went to the site you linked and found myself in disagreement with the guy on several points (including his piece on logic and emotions). I didn't see anything on his site about it but, don't buddhists believe in reincarnation? Once you start stating things about an afterlife or a soul the stink of bullshit drives me off. The only religion I came close to joining of my own accord is Judaism (almost wanted to be what they call a godfearer- that's as close as they let someone like me get to being jewish). I hope you keep your eye on scientology because it really is something to witness- like the moon landing or the tearing down of the Berlin Wall- we are witness to the birth of a new religion. The way scientology came about and is spreading is similar to all religions and we could learn alot by watching it's "progress" (if you want to call it that). Before scientology, it hadn't really occurred to me that such a thing could still happen. Every religion has schisms but who knew that religion itself could split like that? I think it's interesting.

Anonymous said...

I've also found useful info in many religions and I do enjoy meditation sometimes. I disagree with the buddhist guy in places too. I'm pretty sure that buddhists do believe in reincarnation. I often smell the bullshit too but I believe that actions do have consequences.
I really don't know enough about judaism to talk about it.
I'm not at all saying to be afraid but be cautious in the shit you say about 5ci3nt070gy. They have a tendency to sue anyone and everyone who talks shit on them. Check their 'Fair Game Policy' to see what I'm talking about.
They are inclusive of all religions and in my opinion are well on their way to becoming the main religion of the NW0.
I guess in a way it is interesting.